The 13/50 Myth About Black Americans and Crime

Black American history and my choosing pro-blackness as a raison d'etre has guided me across many white supremacist dog whistles. The most interesting one to me right now: the 13/50 myth. What is 13 50? No, it's not about a 13:50 Bible verse. It isn't about the perfect width and length for something. It isn't a reference to the US flag's 13 stripes and the 50 stars .
Best IBM SkillsBuild Courses for IBM HBCU Ambassadors

Part of Biden-Harris's Historically Black College and University (HBCU) cybersecurity initiative, the IBM HBCU Ambassador program began in January 2023. IBM HBCU ambassadors are charged with spreading the word of IBM's resources, including meeting and IBM SkillsBuild badge courses, among HBCU students and of course, setting the example. As a former IBM Norfolk State University (NSU) ambassador, I'll share 10 online, self-paced IBM SkillsBuild courses I recommend IBM HBCU ambassadors prioritize when building their Credly badges portfolio for professional development.
6 Ways HBCU Students Can Excel with Parker Dewey Micro-Internships

Historically Black College and University (HBCU) students, there are opportunities to be grabbed and money to be made with Parker Dewey micro-internships. Yes, the paid opportunities are with legitimate businesses and for a decent amount of money per project (usually ~$300). No, its not a difficult process for HBCU students to create a Parker Dewey account and get started. Below, I'll share some tips that helped me succeed with Parker Dewey micro-internships.
What You Should Remember on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for the tagline snippet of his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963, Selma to Montgomery march in 1965 (including the Edmund Pettus Bridge), and Martin Luther King Jr. Day, observed on the third Monday of January annually. There are a few things we should remember about MLK Jr., especially when people and organizations white-wash his life's work as if the United States of America has come closer to true equality, not just for the proletariat, but especially for Black Americans.
Black-Owned Businesses in Sierra Vista, Arizona

Sierra Vista is a small city in Cochise County, Arizona (AZ), less than an hour north from the Mexico border. Its best known as the city immediately east from the home of Army intelligence, Fort Huachuca. Sierra Vista, AZ, has the essentials but is isolated from other cities. Tucson is approximately 90 minutes north-west while Phoenix is another two hours further. The Black American presence is nearly nonexistent. However, there are some niche Black-owned businesses worth checking out for any pro-Black residents, travelers, and Army Advanced Initial Training (AIT) soldiers.
How to Support the BIG3 Basketball League

The BIG3 basketball league, under the leadership of CEO Ice Cube, is a fresh change from the flops, senseless foul calls, and rumors of scripted wins in the National Basketball Association (NBA) league. The 3-on-3 basketball league, with their "FIREBALL3" rule set, is fast-paced, and they play defense. For those serious about supporting the first modern Black-owned sports league in the USA, here are some ideas on how to do it.
2 Memorable Black-Owned Businesses in Memphis, Tennessee

Before visiting Memphis, Tennessee (TN), the first thing that came to mind when I thought of the city was the 2005 Hustle & Flow movie. Now, there are two Black-owned businesses in Memphis that come to mind.
When is National Black-Owned Business Month? Every Month

August is National Black Owned Business Month. Regardless, we (Black Americans) should "observe" Black-owned business month every month by supporting them every chance we get. We shouldn't wait until Black history month in February and African-American Music Appreciation Month in June, to learn and share Black history.
Best Mid-Top Basketball Shoes from Black-Owned Businesses

What are the best mid-top basketball shoes in 2024? Years ago, I would've answered much differently: something under $100 with soles that doesn't wear out too fast from outdoors play, and available in-store for testing at Foot Locker or Finish Line. Post-COVID price hikes, mixed with my pro-Blackness, I'm focused on the best Black-owned basketball shoe businesses. Below are the best Black-owned mid-top basketball shoe businesses.
Group Economics Versus Reparations?

On March 1st, 2024, Yvette Carnell of the American Descendants of Slaves (ADOS) organization wrote a Twitter threaded response to a video encouraging Black American group economics, or "PowerNomics" per Dr. Claud Anderson. She stated that political work was being underestimated and is far more important for Blacks to acquire true equality in the United States. Many within the same thread argued that focusing on supporting Black-owned businesses is an attempt to avoid politics. I disagree with both, slightly. Readers new to my blog likely don't know that I focus heavily on highlighting Black-owned businesses. That's my bias upfront. I'll amend both arguments, being as unbiased as possible.
Nothing but a Candle from Black-Owned Businesses

Nothing but a candle...but from what Black-owned businesses? Here are a few recommendations on Black-owned candle businesses.
Black-Owned Basketball Shoe Business Ethics the Brand

I forgot how I found Black-owned basketball shoe company Ethics The Brand, but I remember quickly buying a pair of lgONEs, their mid-top basketball shoes. After having a pair for almost a year, here's my review on the Ethics lgONE basketball shoes.
The Challenges with Being Pro-Black

Being a pro-Black Black man in the USA causes a surge in the negativity one receives in every aspect. A confident Black man who is unapologetically for his people is considered a threat by many. Anti-black racists, misandrists, sambos, and I have to mention the performative pro-Black gatekeepers, all amplify the microaggressions and overt hate toward pro-Blacks. Below are a few things pro-Blacks should keep in mind, using conscious hip-hop/rap music.
Is it Enough to Be Pro-Reparations for Black Americans?

I remember going pro-Black during the peak of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and starting to support Black-owned businesses like D'IYANU. Then I started learning about the reparations for Black Americans movement. Today, many, which definitely is synonymous with "not all," Blacks are joining pro-Black and reparationist spaces to hear about reparations initiatives. It is a good incentive for African Americans new to efforts centered around rebuilding Black communities. That should only be a starting point.
Saw X Was Great, Until the End

I've been a fan of Liongate's Saw franchise for years, not because of the gore, but because of the stories behind the traps which influence victims' decisions. I know, many people have a hard time getting past the red room-esque murder scenes. Each Saw movie, including Chris Rock's "Spiral," has at least one sociopolitical theme that was prominent around the time of its release, though. Saw X, whether intentional or not, had some tropes that bother me. Spoilers ahead.
Boycott Stuff Made Using Prison Labor, Support Black-Owned

Colorado Correctional Industries (CCI), Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises (PRIDE), and UNICOR (most notably) are just a few of the companies which specialize in providing prisoner-made products, at least according to reports by University of California, Berkeley, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), and Prison Inside. It may not sound important if you're apolitical, but we Black Americans should care more about how the brands we support spend and make money.
Why I Stopped Endorsing RallyPoint

In 2016, I wrote about why United States military veterans should use the RallyPoint forum and best practices for usage. By that point, I'd been a member for a few years already. I'd ignored the gradual increase of trolling, even when the Hillary versus Trump nonsense peaked with dozens, if not hundreds, of posts against each of them daily. I slowly trail-blazed a community with posts about cybersecurity, Linux, and free open-source software (FOSS). In time, those familiar names I'd regularly see in my IT forum posts disappeared from the platform because of inconsistencies and favoritism from moderators, the platform's refusal to clamp down against trolling and non-military related topics, immaturity from users, and likely boredom.
Why I Stopped Endorsing the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF)

For years I recommended US military veterans seeking free entrepreneurship training or certification testing to check out Onward to Opportunity (O2O) by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF). I'm Syracuse University (SU) alum. IVMF is on SU campus. It's a rarely discussed benefit that can help vets of all ages. Then I attended an entrepreneurship program.
Selling Black-Owned Businesses to White-Owned Corporations

I'll make this short. I hope that black business owners selling their companies to larger, white-owned corporations does not become a trend. I believe that we need to keep that money in our communities. However, I do understand that many founders sell their business to a larger company to make change elsewhere.
If a Black-owned business is sold outside of the Black community, I prefer that it be publicly announced, unlike Greenwood bank allegedly did. Remove the business from any Black chamber of commerce listings. Remove "Black-owned" from all parts of the brand's online presence. And I'll find a new Black-owned business to support.
Native Black Americans' Relationships with Other Groups

A short, random post about Blacks' relationships with many, which means "not all," Whites, Mexicans, Jews, Asians, Africans, gays, and other Blacks. At no point in this post, unless specifically mentioned, do I mean all or 100% of anyone.
5 Black Inventors to Know

Have you ever wondered what amazing things we have today because of the innovation of Black Americans? Are you curious about entrepreneurship but need some motivation? These short biographies might spark something.
Black Conscious Music is Getting More Respect, Less Mainstream Attention

I recently watched a YouTube video titled "Something weird is happening in hip-hop." I don't care enough to rewatch it to challenge my initial thoughts. All I remember was the author boasting about experimentation in music production and a comparison to the punk genre. I primarily want to explain my opinion to the clickbait-ish "Hip Hop is Dying" thumbnail message. TL/DR: many Black hip-hop/rap artists are returning to the roots - Black culture.
10 HBCU-Focused Platforms to Follow

After having the nerve to write an unofficial address to students attending historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), I used that momentum to consolidate a HBCU music playlist. Below are some social media platforms to keep HBCU students in the know about college news, specifically HBCU culture.
Genealogy Research Resources for Black Americans' Reparations

Black folks serious about reparations need to ensure your family tree is squared away, traced at least back to slavery. Below are some (mostly free) online databases for researching ancestors.
Address to Black HBCU Students (2023)

I know, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are more inclusive than predominately White institutions (PWIs). However, this is an exclusive message specifically for native Black Americans, including those who identify as American Descendants of Slaves (ADOS), Foundational Black Americans (FBA), or United Sons and Daughters of Freedmen (USDOF).
2 Congress Bills Black Americans Must Follow

It takes a lot of effort, but native Black Americans must learn and share our lineage and history. Here are two legislations you should be aware of with the constant discussions of reparations for Blacks.
Black History in Canada?

While reading Michael Harriot's blog post ripping Florida's Black history education plans arguing that slavery benefited slaved, a specific section spiked my curiosity about people known as "Black Loyalists":
"Approximately five thousand Black men fought for America in the Revolutionary War; more than 20,000 fought against America. Even the Black Loyalists in the American Revolution were not fighting to preserve the British empire. They were fighting for their freedom."
Florida's Black History Education Plan is Must-Know Information

In March 2023, the National Education Association (NEA) reported that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis planned to drastically limit what can be taught in grade school and colleges, particularly Black history. I kept a lookout on this because Florida has a lot of rarely explained Black history per Dr. Claud Anderson's books. Those wishing to deep dive into Florida's Black history should check out Dr. Marvin Dunn and his book "A History of Florida: Through Black Eyes." At the end of July, I heard troubling updates to the story.
Military Family

My mind wandered a bit while watching the 2005 military TV series E-Ring episodes 3-6. I thought of a black person who tries to make everything about race when discussing two people not getting along. I don't remember why. This made me wonder. Who were my primary battle buddies during each duty station from basic training to end of service? Who were my closest military family members?
Blacks and Healthcare

A few months ago, I attended a Norfolk State University (NSU) black history webinar about how native Black Americans are treated by healthcare service providers. I saw few men in attendance. Furthermore, the talk was led by and mostly catered to Black women. There was one major point that deserved more attention. Black men avoid doctors the most but for understandable reasons. There's plenty of anti-Black male (racist and misandrist) medical US history. There are solutions for us Black men, though.
What is an IBM HBCU Ambassador?

Starting with the basics, what is an HBCU? "HBCU" stands for "Historically Black College and University" (in the USA). How many HBCUs are there? At least 100, mostly in the south-eastern US. You likely know of the IBM technology corporation. But what is an IBM HBCU ambassador, and why is it important for native Black Americans?
Black-Owned Parenting Brands for Black Empowerment Education

I've discussed the importance of teaching Black youth about navigating racism and messages in popular media. Since grade schools are teaching less and less about true Black history, below I'll share a few Black-owned parenting companies educate Black children about their lineage.
Gun Laws are Constantly Under Attack

I want to quickly share some thoughts on this YouTube video titled "Swiss Guns: What the U.S. can learn from Switzerland’s gun laws."
Understand the Racist Arguments Against Reparations

Some RallyPoint members (RP) recently praised arguments in an article titled "Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks [And racist too]." I replied to the post in detail but wanted to also write it here for a few reasons:
My Problem with the LGBT Pride Progress Flag

June is lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. In this summer month, gays (many, obviously not all) flood the streets for pride parades wearing rainbow pride flags and boasting about gay unity. Then there's the LGBT "slacktivism," a fancy synonym for "virtue signaling," which basically means speaking about issues without actually doing anything to support a solution. For example, many companies overlay the rainbow pride flag over their logos on social media. How often do you hear about those same companies giving opportunities to gays and trans folks? I liken it to people with "#BLM" in their Twitter bio but nothing to show that they truly support or even understand Blacks' fight against racism. But my primary issue with gay pride month:
How native Black Americans care more about it (and gay pride in general) than Black history month and Black pride.
Black Military Veteran Groups

Inline with the Black empowerment content I've been writing, I wrote a listacle on how to wear Black-owned business apparel in uniform. Continuing the trend, here is a short list of organizations specifically for Black military veterans.
Black Owned Suit Companies

I'm no Kevin Samuels or The Lead Attorney, but I do know that we Black men should care a bit more about professional dress. I'm all for having our own flavor, but I think fellas should have at least one good suit. And it, along with all accompanying accessories, should be from Black-owned suit businesses.
How Service Members Can Support Black-Owned Companies in Uniform

I recently wondered how I would support Black businesses if I were currently active duty Army. This list simplifies the process for Black service members who understand the Black first (B1) mindset and want to do their part.
How to Support HBCUs

Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU) culture was a hot topic when Deion Sanders left Jackson State University (JSU) for University of Colorado (CU). More than I'd ever seen before, people were comparing predominately white institutions (PWIs) and HBCUs. People were debating integration versus segregation. What I found most interesting was the talk about how HBCU alumni can better support those who attend those schools, which seemingly influenced Coach Prime to leave JSU.
Who Cares If Your Business Is Black Owned? Me

I recently saw a YouTube short by a light-skinned woman titled "Who Cares If Your Business Is Black Owned", where she argues that it doesn't matter. This brought a few questions to mind that I've yet to address.
Why Create Content Targeting Black Americans, ADOS, FBA, Freedman Communities, etc.

I've lost a lot of interest in, "RP," since writing about professional conduct on the military site five years ago. After sharing links about Black culture like "Complex Layers of Racism" on site last year, I noticed more White people sharing not so subtle pro-integration comments against Blacks supporting our own.
Black Owned Tactical Gear Companies

Things are getting intense in the United States of America. Inflation continues to affect the cost of, well, everything. The Fedcoin versus Bitcoin (and other digital currencies) war for a cashless society has people looking to acquire more tangible assets such as land, precious metals (silver, gold, etc.), not a pieces of eight (Spanish dollars) collection, and seeds for food. Below I'll list my recommended resources for Black survivalists.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Respect Black Manhood Never

Let me get this out of the way. I think you'll enjoy "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" if you can ignore the subliminal messages. The movie aggressively targets Black females who might be interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). I'll be discussing the movie from what many today call "red pill" and "Black masculinist" perspectives. If you're not a fan of controversial takes regarding racism and sexism, this ain't for you.
Spoilers. Spoilers. Spoilers.
A Solution for Complaints

Many people have landed on my site hoping for information related to We Buy Black. Since I've written a lot about supporting Black owned businesses, I'll share my thoughts on the topic.
Black Entrepreneurs, What if Shopify Goes Down?

This is not an inside scoop. It is a hypothetical case.
If you actively work on information security (InfoSec) at any point, you'll end up working on a disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (BC) plan to maintain operations when the unexpected happens. You'll likely improve your system backup process or add security features. Hopefully, you at some point realize address the need for a backup plan in case your primary IT solution shuts down permanently.
Black Owned Businesses for HBCU Merch

If you graduated from a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) after #BlackLivesMatter, you should have merchandise representing that milestone from a Black-owned business. Here are three quietly awesome choices to choose from.
Black Men Owned Businesses Matter

I've purchased from over 20 Black-owned businesses in the past few years. I've recently heard that Black men are refused financing to start businesses at a higher rate, compared to Black women. Dr. T Hasan Johnson has shared stories about Black men bringing on a Black woman simply for the higher rate of approval. This made me curious.
What is the ratio of "Black first," or "B1," companies owned by Black men compared to Black women which I have supported? And what are the correlations?
Black Men Must Understand These Quotes

After covering platforms focused on bettering the Black community, I need to focus on Black men working to be better than the negative "no good" stereotype against us. African American men have heard most of these before, but have you thought about what they really mean?
Unofficial PowerNomics Guide

The idea for writing this unofficial PowerNomics guide for Blacks, American Descendants of Slaves (ADOS), African Americans, etc. came from a short PowerNomics reading session. I only had time to read maybe four pages before having to stop. However, I think this quick-start manual will prove helpful for Blacks who want to contribute to their community but lack the energy for reasons that I'm not here to judge.
At times I'll drop random ideas that could be a useful starting point for those considering the entrepreneurship route. If you take on any of the ideas, share it with your community via social media so that we can support you. So that I can support you.
How Much is Religion to Blame for Black Stagnancy?

I'm not Christian. I'm a fan of astrology. I view horoscopes as a framework, similar to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness (DISC) assessments. I know that their results and usefulness change based on my environment. I also realize that what I put into anything determines what I get out of it.
All that to say that I'm not looking to bash Christians. Everyone must believe in something. But I do want to discuss traits that seem directly tied to issues plaguing the Black community.
7 Great Exercises for Overweight People

A lot of American women have given up on weight loss goals. Now, fat acceptance is being pushed in lieu of pushing benefits for regular exercise and healthy eating and sensible road maps. The weight room keeps me sane and creative. You can do it, no matter how overweight you are. No matter how much time you have. No matter what lingering injuries you have. Losing weight isn't impossible.
There are some simple exercises you can start with today, without any equipment, anywhere.
9 Black History Movies Featuring Black MCU Actors

This topic came to mind after I watched an eye-opening movie about Black history. The movie centered around an actor I last saw in a Marvel movie. This made me think of other Black actors who have appeared in the Marvel cinematic universe (MCU) as well as other thought-provoking films.
The last Black culture film I wrote about was about police brutality in 2020. But there are a lot of great, older films on YouTube and other video hosting platforms for free. I'll share links when possible.
4 Marvel Productions with Important Lessons for Black Kids

The Infinity saga (phases 1 through 3) of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is amazing because it consists of over twenty movies and even more stories that led to the war against the mad Titan, Thanos. Marvel movies made comic book stories accessible to those of us unwilling to read comics. Many of those comic book movies tackled real-life issues to which many Americans can easily relate.
Below are some Marvel films and television series that Black parents could watch with their children to initiate conversations about Black adulthood.
Black Owned Hygiene Businesses

This listacle covers Black owned hygiene businesses for those looking to infuse Black pride in their bathroom activities.
4 Important Components to Making Money

COVID-19 reminded us how important it is to have savings. Companies are laying off employees to downsize. Many 9-to-5 workers are doing side-hustles to pull in extra income. Some have found ways to lower expenses such as biking instead of driving or moving to a smaller home. It feels like the United States is being tested on concepts covered in the Essentialism book. Great book, by the way.
Even with the recession and increased cost of living country-wide, some people are still neglecting the basics of money management. With issues like single mothers and crime increasing more, especially within the Black community, you have to check yourself and reflect on your financial choices. I'm no professional in personal or professional finances. I'm not going to talk about stocks, bonds, or anything of the sort. Everything I say below, you can work on now.
Straight Black Men Vs Gay Black Men

It is no secret that gay Black men are used to emasculate the image of the Black man and portray Black females as leaders of the Black community by mainstream media (MSM). Yep, I'm going there already. This isn't about the ladies, as you can tell from the post title. This is about how homosexuality affects the perspective and social norms of the Black men, among Black men.
As a bisexual man, I've at times felt like I don't belong in straight or gay social circles. I feel like I'm too masculine for some gay settings, while simply being gay instantly excludes me from many religious and political environments. Can't serve two masters, indeed. And telling someone that I only date females sometimes leads to a conversation about whether I'm confused. I'm not, but I digress.
How do straight Black men react to the presence of an openly gay Black man? I'd imagine there are five questions that instantly come to mind in individual and group settings.
Black Owned Businesses Need to Do These Things

I've learned a lot about how black entrepreneurs approach digital marketing since starting to support black-owned businesses, starting with D'iyanu, a few years ago. After purchasing products from over a dozen black-owned small businesses, I've realized some common mistakes that I'd like to share with everyone. I hope this helps small and medium-sized business (SMB) owners rethink how they approach digital marketing.
Negash Black Owned Business Basketball Shoes

I finally got my hands on some black-owned business basketball shoes. Negash mid-top basketball shoes come in two color styles in Amazon at the time of writing:
- White, gold, and blue
- Black, red, and gold
Basically, Michael Jordan colors - University of North Carolina (UNC) Tar Heels and Chicago Bulls. I bought a pair of each. Here are my thoughts on Negash's hooping shoes.
Why Support Black Owned Businesses

I released my first blog about black-owned businesses in early 2021. Since then, I've written multiple posts about Black culture including one specifically about digital marketing tips for Black business owners.
This opinion piece is in response to my anticipating hearing this question more often as I create such content.
Music Production History-Volume 1

I don't know as much about hip-hop music history as I believe I should. Within recent years I've actively worked to fix that. Learning about the beginning of hip-hop and rap adds context to how we got to this era where mainstream rap music is prominently Roland TR-808 drums, street life boasting, and lacking substance.
Complex Layers of Anti-Black Racism

I'm not a scholar with a years logged researching the complex layers of racism, or critical race theory (CRT). My passion is in helping others use tech to ease life. I didn't take college courses on African American history, African history, or even American history. I didn't see the point since curriculum's often grow outdated and other courses could help me immediately.
But I am at a point where I feel the need to discuss racism and ways to improve my community, the black / ADOS community, more. As complicated as it seems, there are ways to break it down into manageable building blocks.
There are companies helping to improve the black community. However, those efforts fail if we the people don't do our part as well. We must support such initiatives while holding ourselves (blacks) to a higher standard. One of my pet peeves is hearing a Christian say "if God wants it for me, I'll have it" or something along those lines. Another one, hearing people who nothing about politics or American government assuming that simply electing a new president will change the country overnight...for the better.
Black Owned Tech Businesses

I've covered black owned businesses in the footwear, fitness, and underwear industries. In this blog I'll share some black owned companies in technology.
Businesses Improving the Black Community

I've written enough about black-owned apparel brands for now. I want to switch it up by sharing some black-owned businesses focused on building the black community. These companies and entrepreneurs are about the black economy, PowerNomics type of stuff. This is different from organized initiatives such as American Descendants of Slaves (ADOS).
Black Owned Workout Shoes Businesses-Enda and Negash83

Last year I talked about ten random black-owned businesses worth supporting. Before this blog I wrote about black-owned sportswear businesses. Now I'll share some black-owned footwear businesses that are great for exercising.
Some experienced weight lifters recommend wearing shoes with flat soles and minimal cushioning for compound leg exercises - squats, lunges, etc. You've probably seen plenty of guys doing heavy barbell squats wearing Converse Chucks. I prefer Blairisms. Interesting patterns. Fair prices. And they're durable. Here are some more from black-owned workout attire brands.
Black Owned Compression Shorts Businesses-Champ Boxers and Drawlz

Get rid of the Under Armour, Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, or whatever else undies you got. I found some black owned businesses that create beautiful, dependable compression shorts. My new favorite underwear brands:
5 Questions I Want to See Discussed en Masse

There are five conversations I'd like to have with experts (and anyone passionate about the subject), with tact, and preferably with facts, research, and statistics. Prepare for opinions about controversial topics.
10 Great Black Owned Businesses to Support

I try to do my part in supporting black owned businesses financially and with social media (and this blog). You can browse African-centric reseller stores like but many brands don't have a lot of reviews, social media activity, or social proof in general.
To be fair, active social media management is difficult even with Hootsuite or Buffer. That's why companies, and some bands, have a dedicated team member with that as the primary focus. To compensate for this, and help build black culture, I'll share my knowledge and experience about some reputable black businesses with good longevity.
Black Unity Essay

First published on June 6, 2016
When I took a course on the relationship between music and politics last year, I got the opportunity to write a two thousand word essay on my choice of topic related to the course. I decided to write about the transition and differences between what Hip Hop/Rap was in the beginning and what it is today. I emphasized the use of racial slurs and others’ view on it, also. Admittedly, It’s not a very well written piece. However, If you’re interested, feel free to read on.
ATTN: Blacks

First published on December 13, 2016
BLUF: There are offensive racial slurs and opinions regarding Black Americans ahead in plain text.
Let’s look in the mirror for a minute – some self-reflection. Read and criticize this. Judge me and my content. But read on, and read the whole thing. Don’t be simple and skim through it. Targeted to Blacks but can apply to all, some of you will need some tea for this.