ATTN: Blacks

First published on December 13, 2016
BLUF: There are offensive racial slurs and opinions regarding Black Americans ahead in plain text.
Let’s look in the mirror for a minute – some self-reflection. Read and criticize this. Judge me and my content. But read on, and read the whole thing. Don’t be simple and skim through it. Targeted to Blacks but can apply to all, some of you will need some tea for this.
Fellas, Stop Sagging Pants
It’s popular and looks cool mass media has supported the trend for decades. Okay. But do you know what’s popular, respectful, professional, AND functional? Wearing your pants on your waist. Fitting clothes, belts, or suspenders can help.
Bring back the trend of huge belt buckles from Spencer’s if you’d like, but pants go on the waist. Also . . .
Why y’all don’t wear more slacks?
They look good dressed up or down. Get a few pairs of Dockers that fit comfortably. Skinny jeans is a trend. Its your choice what dominates your wardrobe, excluding functional/work attire –
Swag or class?
You can’t erase history behind racial slurs
Look up the history of the following words: nigger, cracker, blackface, monkey, honky. You can be ignorant and dismiss it, but it’s still a part of your history.
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” - George Santayana
There are plenty more racial slurs but there are reasons I emphasize those specifically.
The first is that blacks today are most commonly heard using racial slurs, especially in entertainment. Why is that?
Again, mass media and entertainment isn’t always a great example of how you should act.
Second. . .
The “N” Word is a Word
Stop saying the word nigger but getting mad when “unauthorized” non-blacks say it. The history is there, and it is hate. It doesn’t matter whether it’s said with an “-er” or “-ah” or who says it. It’s all or none with few exceptions, such as letting someone know what you’re not. Take that however you’d like.
Have you heard of hypocrisy?
Fight the “Crabs in a Bucket” Mentality
Stop arguing that blacks need to rally together to build their own anything, only to become the most critical and vocal against those blacks that actually make that effort. Many call it “crabs in a bucket”. I’d just call it pathetic. Where’s the U.N.I.T.Y?
Why not try to help them – offer constructive criticism, or even better, a helping hand – instead of lashing out on social media keyboard warrior style, or worse, in the public eye where it came become the next big distraction from whats really important at the time?
Are you thinking of reasons as to why you don’t have time to send a quick email, tweet, or phone call with your thoughts and potentially beneficial resources? Kay. Move on.
Racism isn’t Always the Answer
Racism is NOT always the reason there’s an issue between a white person and someone of color. Yes, it can be a factor, strong or subtle, but you can’t assume a white person is a KKK member simply because she/he doesn’t side with someone of color in a particular situation. There are always personality clashes, alter motives, sexism, elitism, selfishness, and the list goes on. What is it when two of the same ethnicity can’t (won’t) mesh? Remember #5?
Don’t be so quick to draw the “race card”. Instead. . .
Learn the System
Personally, I see many laws as SOP’s (standards of procedures) with too much influence from social norms and wiggle room for skewed loopholes and interpretation. Sometimes you have to do more homework and research to uncover discrimination. Sometimes you have to work harder to correct a wrong because you’re a minority. Just keep in mind that while you should fight the good fight, choose your battles wisely for the sake of winning the war.
Protect yourself.
Self Reflect
Why is an African-American called an “Uncle Tom” when he or she tells blacks to evaluate themselves or says a white person may have had good reason for something that may seem discriminating against blacks?
Question yourself sometimes. Get out of your feelings and try to understand other points of view. Or does suggesting that make me an “Uncle Tom“?
Take Initiative
Be the change you want to see in the world, your country, and your community. Don’t depend on government officials with excess overhead and alter motives. You’re reading this article, and though you may disagree with many of it, at least you’re thinking about it.
Baby steps are still steps – progression. Meanwhile. . .
Quite complaining about oppression
If you don’t like what the culture, country or world is coming to, your only options are to deal with it, do something about it, or leave.
The best resource is resourcefulness.
A Strong Message still needs delivery
A chip on your shoulder can be a good thing if that anger is focused towards good use and productivity. Lashing out about #BlackLivesMatter versus #AllLivesMatter or #NoLivesMatter, whether dreadlocks can be considered professional, or if organizations with “Black“, “African-American“, or “Negro” in the name are racist with no substance or tact just diminishes your argument.
It’s not enough to put the message out there. Sometimes, you have to tailor it to the audience.
Ladies, love yourself
Ladies, I dare ask that you love yourself and build enough courage to fight the social pressure by not wearing so much make-up all the time, especially for that whitening look. I won’t touch losing weight this time. I understand fighting blemishes but not painting on new face.
Natural is beautiful. On the flip side. . .
Fellas, quit pushing for “visual perfection“
Encourage the natural look. Love a woman’s beauty when she wakes up, not only hours after she “puts on her face”. What happens if women start suggesting more American men wear make-up casually? Hm?
Smile every once in a while, not only when greeting others formally but any time you make eye contact with someone while walking about. American society has painted a stigma leading many to believe blacks are angry people. Do your part to fight the stigma, notably those of you with a dominant presence.
People who smile genuinely at strangers with no expectations make the world a better place. Some studies say it also makes others perceive you as smarter.
What are your thoughts? Did I miss anything? Should I have included or referenced those words differently? Want more on this subject from me?
Contact options below.
Tags: equality, black-community