Black Military Veteran Groups

Inline with the Black empowerment content I've been writing, I wrote a listacle on how to wear Black-owned business apparel in uniform. Continuing the trend, here is a short list of organizations specifically for Black military veterans.
I am not affiliated nor have I ever collaborated with these organizations in any way. I have contacted each organization and will update this as I receive new info.
Black Veterans Project (BVP)
Black Veterans Project appears to be spear-heading the fight against military anti-Black racism. In the Army this is part of "Equal Opportunity" (EO) department. They discuss reparations for native Black Americans and GI benefits held from Black veterans in their news section. Their interviews with prominent news platforms are listed in their Linktree.
BVP regularly posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
I recommend starting with this article on military myths of Black freedom.
Black Veterans for Social Justice (BVSJ)
Black Veterans for Social Justice (BVSJ) is a Black woman-led organization based in Brooklyn, New York. Per Their mission statement states that they "provide program services to assist military personnel make a smooth transition from active duty to civilian life." The website includes resources for veteran housing, mental health, and community. It appears that they're focused on the NY area.
As of now, they're only active on Facebook.
National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. (NABVETS)
The National Association for Black Veterans (NABVETS), per their website, "provide personal advocacy on behalf of “ALL” Veterans seeking claims against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and fostering community development by creating positive lifestyles for Veterans and their families." Their mission statement claims to "provide strategic advocacy on behalf of its membership with Congress and the federal administration; state administrations; county and city legislators; and other agencies and organizations." Their news blog hasn't been updated since 2019. Their chapters manage their own social media accounts.
You must be logged in to view their Facebook account.
National Federation of Black Veterans Network (NFBVN)
National Federation of Black Veterans Network (also available at "offers services to veterans and their families in areas of job training, career counseling, adult counseling as well as many support services associated with social economic needs." They're based in Pennsylvania but I'm unsure if they only operate in the state. The website is old and without a valid PKI certificate.
They're active on Facebook.
Black Enterprise keeps a list of events for Black entrepreneurs. For race-nonspecific veteran groups, check out VETSports, Veterans in Media & Entertainment (VMEConnect), and TechVets.
Tags: black-community, military