When is National Black-Owned Business Month? Every Month

August is National Black Owned Business Month. Regardless, we (Black Americans) should "observe" Black-owned business month every month by supporting them every chance we get. We shouldn't wait until Black history month in February and African-American Music Appreciation Month in June, to learn and share Black history.
National Black-Owned Business Month is Warranted
I know, its festive to have a small period of time where people are hyper-focused on a particular subject. It creates opportunities to organize events to boost awareness and immerse others into the culture behind a cause. Black businesses new to marketing get a fair chance to pitch their products and services face-to-face alongside better known businesses. The concept is similar to how smaller stores fill the walk routes between the major department stores at opposite ends of malls.
To be clear, I'm not against any of this or celebrating a Black-owned business month. I am against Black Americans supporting each other's work and the history of black owned businesses only for one month in the year. You have the opportunity to support a Black business every time you:
- Buy groceries
- Go out to eat
- Need apparel or shoes
- Stream music
- Search for a new book to read
- Log onto social media
- Search for a business for collaboration or supply chain assistance
Supporting Black-Owned Businesses Does Require Time and Research
I dedicate a lot of time and effort to discover and support Black-owned businesses. There are dozens of reseller sites like WeBuyBlack, dedicated blogs like ShoppeBlack.us, "Black owned" listacles, and Black chamber of commerce directories that ease the process. But I still have to verify that the business is indeed Black-owned versus "Black-run" (owned by someone non-Black and hidden) or "BIPOC-owned" ("Biracial, Indigenous, Person of Color" is not synonymous with Black American). Some business owners will lie to get Blacks' attention and support. I test their customer service to ensure they're not making Black business owners look bad. Then I'll find a way to support, usually a purchase or some advice to help them grow. I write about many Black-owned businesses I've supported to help those who wish to do the same but don't have the time to do the research.
I don't just share information about Black-owned businesses nationwide. Most of my clothes and shoes are from Black-owned businesses. When I want someone else to cook for me, I patronize a Black-owned restaurant. When open to new projects and collaborations, I look to work with Black-owned businesses.
A lot of US businesses are created and grown on top of what Black folks make trendy in the United States (US). Instead of running to brands like Nike and Adidas which do little for Blacks outside of symbolism, why not popularize D'iyanu apparel and Ethics basketball shoes?
Tired of NBA players flopping, playing mediocre defense, and getting ridiculous foul calls? Check out Ice Cube's BIG3 Basketball league.
Want to attend a university that focuses on providing Blacks with adequate resources and networking opportunities? Bypass the predominately white institution (PWI) for a Historically Black College and University (HBCUs).
Many Black-owned farms and self-defense businesses provide great survivalist products.
I've rambled enough.
Native Black Americans, enjoy National Black Owned Business Month in August, and build the habit of supporting Black-owned businesses on a regular basis.