Why Create Content Targeting Black Americans, ADOS, FBA, Freedman Communities, etc.

I've lost a lot of interest in RallyPoint.com, "RP," since writing about professional conduct on the military site five years ago. After sharing links about Black culture like "Complex Layers of Racism" on site last year, I noticed more White people sharing not so subtle pro-integration comments against Blacks supporting our own.
I hold no special allegiance to the ADOS, FBA, or Freedman descendents communities. I'd prefer that all come together for the greater cause of reparations for native Black Americans.
Non-Blacks Dismissing How Issues Affect Blacks Differently
None of it was surprising or new. One White woman stated she'd rather see "American-owned" than "Black-owned." Okay. A White man argued that no one should care who owns a business. That's easy to ignore because I write Black community content for Blacks, not Whites. I don't care what European-Americans do with their money.
More interesting is when non-Black people go out of their way to share antagonizing remarks without fully explaining themselves. A man whose ethnicity is unclear stated that racism "is in your mind" and religion is used as a crutch or excuse for issues in Black culture. In that same religion thread, someone asked how Christianity could negatively impact one race and not the others. I reread my blog post to ensure it clearly explained that I was talking about how Black people practice Christianity, not the religion itself. Of course, no one offered further explanation on their takes.
Did the context help you understand the title of this post, or are you still confused about why? Let's simplify this.
Focus on How Issues Affect Blacks Versus Pro-Integration
Racism affects Blacks in the United States of America (USA) a lot more than many Whites acknowledge. Yes, the answer as to why is layered, depending on the context of the conversation. Blacks who claim to care about our community do need to respect and support each other more, be more careful in mate selection, marry, and support Black businesses. None of that negates the fact that native Black Americans suffer from hate crimes than everyone in the US. It doesn't justify racial redlining and other modern Black codes.
Many will argue that the dysfunction is all Blacks' fault. Those same people downplay racist laws that encourage Blacks to abandon others to integrate further into White society for more money and networking opportunities. That extends to housing, primary education, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), and gun policy.

Politicians are capitalizing on gun crimes now more than ever. The best way to address an issue is to resolve the root problem. To reduce crimes involving guns and gun-assisted suicides, better parenting must be enforced at individual, social, and legal levels. Instead, suicides and mass shootings (which now include gang violence) are being used to gradually ban AR (short for "ArmaLite" not "assault rifle") style rifles. Never mind the fact that handguns (pistols) are used far more often in both scenarios.
Say all that and some people, including some Africans, will still refuse to acknowledge the depths of Black hate in the US, especially once the topic focuses on Black males (meaning boys and men). It is rare that anyone other than Black males care about:
- How people move the goal post for what it means to be a Black man
- How women treat Black men
- The fragile perception of Black male sexuality
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization and COVID-19, to name recent examples, affect Blacks differently. Disagree? Reread "Complex Layers of Racism" and let me know. To close out this rant...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Regardless of how you might feel about George Floyd or #BlackLivesMatter, Blacks have since started caring more about taking care of own people. People are browsing search engines for "Black owned businesses near me," "Black owned restaurants near me," and "Black owned clothing brands." I always recommend Black/African-owned clothing company D'IYANU (Nigerian-owned to be specific). Furthermore, Blacks are learning more about:
- Black history and the importance of reparations
- Positive ways to impact the Black community
- Why Blacks must support each other and arguments against Blacks doing so
- Great Black-owned businesses to support
- How Black-owned business owners can acquire more customers and overall support (somewhat of a Black community SEO tutorial)
- Business continuity planning (BC)
- Challenges specific to Black men entrepreneurs
- The goal of anti-Black misandry in general (destruction of the Black community as explained by Dr. Tommy Curry
A lot of people want to be part of the solution, which is great. Taking advantage of SEO, also referred to as "the algorithm," allows people to more easily find information they need.
Teach Things not Being Taught Elsewhere
Expanding on the list above, most of Black history isn't taught in the schools. Much of it is half-taught or suppressed by anti-Black racist algorithms in social media platforms and historians.
- Black farming and self-sustainability
- Unethical medical experiments and racism in medical care
- Service members acknowledged in other countries only to receive nothing in USA, something Black veterans are still facing with Veterans Affairs (VA)
Read more about Black culture.
Tags: black-community, college, personal, equality, employment, health, IT, seo, music