3 Dietary Supplement Research Platforms I Trust

Carefully selected dietary supplements can supplement a good workout program and healthy diet for fit athletes and overweight people. Below are a few popular dietary supplement research platforms to help you choose supplements without fatal side-effects, false advertising, ridiculous prices.
5 Cybersecurity Issues to Watch in 2024

Between the IBM HBCU Ambassador program, cybersecurity specialists active on social media, and personal research, there are a few cybersecurity issues discussed enough that we need to keep a closer watch on daily.
Pacemakers, Medical Devices, and Cyberbiosecurity

Pacemakers are one of the most commonly used medical embedded systems in homes today. With the strides in wireless networking, pacemakers have evolved into mobile electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) machines, tracking patients' cardio activity remotely to assist doctors with heart health treatments [1]. These now networked embedded systems are unfortunately developed without serious effort given to cybersecurity. There have been many incidents within the past decade highlighting such vulnerabilities and their potentially fatal effects.
Black-Owned Supplement Businesses

I rarely write about supplements. My best posts regarding the topic are about weight management and overcoming fitness plateaus, and years old. These Black-owned supplement businesses can help you build muscle, reach a healthier weight, and improve general health.
5 Things I Thought Were Gay as a Teenager in the Early 2000s

When I was a teenager, we were taught that a lot of random stuff was gay. You ain't hairy? Homo. You dress nice? Fruity. You talking to girls, trying to get to know them? That's gay, bruh. This short listacle is probably the most light-hearted gay culture piece I'll ever write.
Two Sides to Suicide

Suicide, the act of someone taking their own life, is always a heavy topic. Military communities have the "22 veterans a day commit suicide" statistic. The "suicide by cop" scenario is mentioned in some news reports. Christians say that suicide condemns you to Hell. Politicians claim that ArmaLite (AR)-style rifle bans will stop gun-related murders, while ignoring the fact that "self-deletion" is the leading cause of gun-related deaths. No matter what communities you represent, there are suicide rates, patterns indicating "why," and hopefully dedicated suicide prevention resources for those specific issues.
Blacks and Healthcare

A few months ago, I attended a Norfolk State University (NSU) black history webinar about how native Black Americans are treated by healthcare service providers. I saw few men in attendance. Furthermore, the talk was led by and mostly catered to Black women. There was one major point that deserved more attention. Black men avoid doctors the most but for understandable reasons. There's plenty of anti-Black male (racist and misandrist) medical US history. There are solutions for us Black men, though.
Why Create Content Targeting Black Americans, ADOS, FBA, Freedman Communities, etc.

I've lost a lot of interest in RallyPoint.com, "RP," since writing about professional conduct on the military site five years ago. After sharing links about Black culture like "Complex Layers of Racism" on site last year, I noticed more White people sharing not so subtle pro-integration comments against Blacks supporting our own.
8 Easy Healthy-ish Meals

I don't talk about nutrition often, but this topic is warranted after I wrote short workout plan for losing weight. This will be quick.
7 Great Exercises for Overweight People

A lot of American women have given up on weight loss goals. Now, fat acceptance is being pushed in lieu of pushing benefits for regular exercise and healthy eating and sensible road maps. The weight room keeps me sane and creative. You can do it, no matter how overweight you are. No matter how much time you have. No matter what lingering injuries you have. Losing weight isn't impossible.
There are some simple exercises you can start with today, without any equipment, anywhere.
Black Owned Hygiene Businesses

This listacle covers Black owned hygiene businesses for those looking to infuse Black pride in their bathroom activities.
5 Ways to Improve Your Workout Plans

I've said this many times before: fitness is my physical outlet. Getting fit doesn't have to mean going to the weight room, though. You can get fit at home, in the yard, with the kids, or at the park. Get creative. But before you do anything, you need to plan ahead. Here are some ways to improve your fitness regimen before you do anything.
Wax By Abby-Brazilian Waxing For Men

I found Wax By Abby while looking for companies that offer Brazilian waxing for men around Hampton Roads. Check Wax By Abby on Yelp for reviews.
Brazilian waxing for men includes the bikini area, scrotum (testicles), penis shaft, perineum (space between the scrotum and anus), and/or anus.
Before Abby, I called many other nearby companies that stated they offered male waxing, but they didn't do Brazilian. The only exception was Waxing the City on Laskin Road but I wasn't curious enough to pay $120 for my first waxing session.
Wax by Abby Brazilian waxing for men is $80 and takes barely 20 minutes.
Story Time.
The Micronamin Interview That Never Happened

Micronamin was a Veteran-owned supplement company led by Teall Haycock. It was liquidated in 2018. and it’s domain later redirected to a faceless Robin Hood online supplement store. Before Micronamin, the CEO and I had planned an interview for my discontinued Go Live Lively podcast on YouTube and iTunes.
How to Dress for Workouts-Not Just Gym Clothes

Gym is life. Being dressed appropriately for exercise isn’t as simple as wearing comfortable clothes that can be torn. I learned to care about the items listed below once I started running 2-4 times a week. Hopefully, this helps you prevent injuries similar to the exercises that could’ve helped me.
Athletic Socks

First published on May 20, 2015
When you’re playing sports, running, weight-training, or doing any other physical activities, 100% cotton socks are not the best option. Socks manufactured with polyester and mesh wick sweat from the feet, breathe better, and weigh less (excluding ones like these). They last longer too. My sock drawer is filled with Finish Line Performance Socks. To be in compliance with AR 670-1 as a Soldier, I would wear Finish Line cotton-polyester blend socks.
Replace Your Insoles

First published on June 4, 2015
Custom insoles add more hit points to comfort and performance in shoes used for physical activity. Many have one or two main goals including reduce weight, add cushion, support arch type, and wick sweat. I always replace the insoles of my work boots and exercise shoes with Sof Sole products available from Finish Line. My gel insoles felt amazing in my low-quarters during pay-day activities.
Strength Training Basics

First published on August 15, 2015
I like strength training because it’s simple, very anaerobic, and helps me function in life as a loner, provider, and man. If I want to get stronger in an exercise, I normally use the following workout schemes (Sets X Reps with Rest) to improve my sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (strength):

First published on September 27, 2017
Very late.
So late there are things I’ll need to readdress regarding BLM
Weight Management

First published on June 24, 2018
This is the Health Management PDF.
5 Places To Workout Other Than the Gym

First published on May 11, 2020
There are more ways to get a good workout without having to go to a weight room. It just takes a bit of creativity, determination, and honesty about whether you’re serious about improving your physical fitness.
Tomatoes and sea salt

First published on June 27, 2015
A few years ago, I had a female Filipino supervisor that used to bring different foods to work for people to try. She was a nice woman that had this thing about spirits. Anyways, one of those times she brought some tomatoes and sea salt to her office. All of us on her team looked at her like she was crazy. Here’s quick dialog of the conversation that followed:
The Leg Workout

First published on June 4, 2018
I’m following up Farewell, Micronamin with leg workouts first. They’re the hardest but important for those looking to improve athletic performance or lose weight. I rarely see gym regulars do squats, lunges, or deadlifts. Maybe I should rewrite my guide for preparing for leg day.
A good lower body workout can leave you walking weird for days but will help you in the long run. It’s a good example of “no pain, no gain”.

First published on July 8, 2015
What? Squid, or calamari, is a great source of omega-3, protein, and vitamins with a low calorie count. However, I will admit there are cons. NBCI offers an interesting story dealing with eating raw seafood.
Sleeping on the floor

First published on April 17, 2017
After reading about sleeping on the floor from RocketNews24 and MD-Health, I think this could be an awesome transition well worth the time needed to get used to it.
Shoulder Stabilization

First published on July 1, 2015
If you have forward-sinking shoulders and/or know you have a major muscular imbalance in your shoulder muscles, address it now. Do rear and mid deltoid raises. Try rotation exercises. Strengthen your back. Stretch. Improve your posture. You’ll look taller, more confident, and more trustworthy. You’ll also seem to have less body-fat and at least slow down further damage to your rotator cuff and deltoids.
Shaving Basics for Men

First published on March 10, 2015
July 31, 2017
How I Would Help You Lose Fat

First published on July 27, 2015
I hope you enjoy my rant of tips for people looking to lose weight.
Exercise. Do something. You don’t need a gym to work out. That’s an excuse. You need motivation and dedication. You can do calisthenics (body-weight exercises) on the floor/carpet/hardwood/grass/flat roof/attic/basement/pick-up truck and run anywhere. Don’t like that? Play sports or do activities that are physically exerting. Don’t like that? Stay fat.
How to Prepare for Leg Day

First published on July 25, 2016
Realize how much life may suck after leg day.
Adjust leg day activities originally set for immediately after leg workout and day(s) after leg day as needed.
Clean out Mangina.
11 Ways to Break Fitness Plateaus

First published on June 12, 2017
Sometimes, you get in a rut with your Gym Flow progress where your progression with a fitness goal has stalled. Here are 11 ideas to consider for your next workout plan.
Fitness-My Outlet

First published on August 28, 2017
Music is my therapy. It’s how I deal with life emotionally. resistance training is my outlet. It’s my favorite way to escape life mentally for 1 hour, grounds me daily, and boosts my mood.
Farewell, Micronamin

First published on May 14, 2018
Last year, I created blogs, graphics, and podcasts to bring more attention to Micronamin supplements as a brand ambassador. I had a static side-bar ad for the Veteran-owned business on my blog and pushed their social media content regularly. My 2018 new years resolutions included a lot of fitness content specifically to advertise Micronamin. Unfortunately, the company is being liquidated. They’ve stopped production and creating social media content. Because of this, and the recent progress I’ve made on some important projects, I’m shifting plans for those ideas. Here’s part of that list:
Quick Reasons You Should Try The Dollar Shave Club

First published on January 11, 2016
Three short reasons I wish I'd found Dollar Shave Club (DSC).
BPA in Plastic and Your Body

First published on April 3, 2017
It was ten years ago when I learned hot plastic bottles sweat BPA into the water, which raises cortisol levels and, therefore, estrogen levels. Months ago I learned there was a law that protects companies from honestly telling you whether there’s really BPA in that BPA-free water bottle. it’s called Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS).

First published on April 4, 2016
When I learned about the Philippines and balut, I went searching for it in America. After a year long search, I found it in a Filipino market in Virginia Beach, stored and heated by the cashier’s desk. I bought two, but forgot the cost, thinking I may be able to influence my brother to try one. I was wrong.
The 10 X 1 Workout for Strength

First published on March 14, 2016
I prioritize strength development in my workout programs a lot, maybe a lot more than I should if you factor in periodization. Keep in mind, I’m no expert in the exercise science field. I only have my experience, old workout logs, and research notes – mostly Bodybuilding.com, Muscle & Fitness, and Exrx. I was doing this workout way before I found the Barbell Shrugged podcast.
5 Major Components for Better Rucking
Published March 20, 2017

Rucking, or hiking, isn’t one of those things you just do and get better at, though many may act that way. I’ve broken it down to five major components.
This is mainly for Service Members but much of it applies to trail hiking as well.
5 Exercises I Wish I’d Prioritized Sooner

Last updated on September 27, 2019
I’ve been serious about exercise for over 15 years. Although I think I’m good with strength training and fitness basics, there are many exercises I wish I’d used regularly in workout plans years sooner for better physical health today.
Here are 5:
5 Common Excuses for Not Exercising

Last updated on October 18, 2017
Health and fitness can be fun, but it is hard work. Which of these 5 excuses for not taking health and fitness seriously sound familiar to you?