Farewell, Micronamin

May 30, 2020 — Jt Spratley

First published on May 14, 2018

Last year, I created blogs, graphics, and podcasts to bring more attention to Micronamin supplements as a brand ambassador. I had a static side-bar ad for the Veteran-owned business on my blog and pushed their social media content regularly. My 2018 new years resolutions included a lot of fitness content specifically to advertise Micronamin. Unfortunately, the company is being liquidated. They’ve stopped production and creating social media content. Because of this, and the recent progress I’ve made on some important projects, I’m shifting plans for those ideas. Here’s part of that list:

Ideas for fitness content for Micronamin in 2018

Because I’m passionate about health and fitness, and believe my knowledge (Read: experience and opinions) can help others, I will still create much of this content but it’ll be written first. I have to end my blogging hiatus with some new content and, if warranted, can follow-up with podcasts.

I’m really sad to see Micronamin go. I got great results with their protein and pre-workout stack (~$30 each), and of course I supported their cause – helping Veterans. I had a genuine relationship with the company and felt like part of the team. Now, Micronamin.com redirects to a RobinHoodSupplements.com which reminds me of BulkSupplements.com. Their packaging and websites are very similar (green female Robin Hood versus a red triumphant male) but I know little of their reputation.

I’ll miss Micronamin. I wish the best for the crew’s futures, but now I need to find another brand I can trust.

Tags: health, nutrition

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