10 Cybersecurity Specialists to Follow

April 13, 2023 — Jt Spratley

Most of what I learn about cybersecurity comes from personal research to solve issues and the ten cybersecurity specialists listed below on Twitter.

Blacks In Cybersecurity

Blacks In Cybersecurity (BIC) is a community focused on exactly what the name implies. Their website displays their conferences and cybersecurity certification training programs. They share presentations on YouTube.

I think that all Black business owners, particularly Black men, should follow them at least on LinkedIn for better situational awareness regarding cybersecurity news.


I've said in many posts that the Podnutz Linux For The Rest Of Us podcast with DoorToDoorGeek got me into Linux. The network doesn't have a dedicated cybersecurity show but does cover various topics which often include cybersecurity and privacy in some way. For example, they have shows focused on Android, mini PCs, and computer repair.

Scott Moulton

Scott A. Moulton is a digital forensics expert and hosts the (now inactive) "My Hard Drive Died" Podnutz podcast, also available on YouTube. His company offers data recovery services, training, and products via MyHardDriveDied.com.

Scott Helme

I found Scott Helme through reading about security HTTP headers on his blog. He founded the Security Headers and Report URI online tools. He regularly talks about cybersecurity news on Twitter and his blog.

Troy Hunt

Like Helme, Troy Hunt discusses various cybersecurity topics on Twitter and his blog. He also runs Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), an online tool that can determine whether your email address was included in any recent data breaches.

Derek Scheller, Jr.

I met Derek Scheller, Jr., or "The Cyber Warrior," on RallyPoint.com. I've talked with this Army veteran a few times, and he's always been willing to share advice. He regularly live-streams about cybersecurity and life on YouTube and Twitch.

Ty Wilson

Brother Ty Wilson is another Army vet doing big things in information security (InfoSec). He's the founder and CEO of Cover6 Solutions which offers cybersecurity services and training (some free on YouTube. D.C.-based IT professionals can join their MeetUp group. Personal note: Wilson was participant in Ready To Love season 6.


KeepItTechie covers a wide range of topics within Linux, free open-source software (FOSS), cybersecurity, and IT on his YouTube channel.

Minorities in Cybersecurity

Minorities in Cybersecurity (MiC), per their mission statement, "help the gap that exists in the support and development of women and minority leaders in the cybersecurity field" by providing "practical knowledge, training, development, and support to our members with the sole purpose of preparing them to become the next generation of global cybersecurity leaders."

Tags: cybersecurity, IT

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