3 Dietary Supplement Research Platforms I Trust

Carefully selected dietary supplements can supplement a good workout program and healthy diet for fit athletes and overweight people. Below are a few popular dietary supplement research platforms to help you choose supplements without fatal side-effects, false advertising, ridiculous prices.
Black-Owned Supplement Businesses

I rarely write about supplements. My best posts regarding the topic are about weight management and overcoming fitness plateaus, and years old. These Black-owned supplement businesses can help you build muscle, reach a healthier weight, and improve general health.
8 Easy Healthy-ish Meals

I don't talk about nutrition often, but this topic is warranted after I wrote short workout plan for losing weight. This will be quick.

First published on September 27, 2017
Very late.
So late there are things I’ll need to readdress regarding BLM
Weight Management

First published on June 24, 2018
This is the Health Management PDF.
Tomatoes and sea salt

First published on June 27, 2015
A few years ago, I had a female Filipino supervisor that used to bring different foods to work for people to try. She was a nice woman that had this thing about spirits. Anyways, one of those times she brought some tomatoes and sea salt to her office. All of us on her team looked at her like she was crazy. Here’s quick dialog of the conversation that followed:

First published on July 8, 2015
What? Squid, or calamari, is a great source of omega-3, protein, and vitamins with a low calorie count. However, I will admit there are cons. NBCI offers an interesting story dealing with eating raw seafood.
11 Ways to Break Fitness Plateaus

First published on June 12, 2017
Sometimes, you get in a rut with your Gym Flow progress where your progression with a fitness goal has stalled. Here are 11 ideas to consider for your next workout plan.
Farewell, Micronamin

First published on May 14, 2018
Last year, I created blogs, graphics, and podcasts to bring more attention to Micronamin supplements as a brand ambassador. I had a static side-bar ad for the Veteran-owned business on my blog and pushed their social media content regularly. My 2018 new years resolutions included a lot of fitness content specifically to advertise Micronamin. Unfortunately, the company is being liquidated. They’ve stopped production and creating social media content. Because of this, and the recent progress I’ve made on some important projects, I’m shifting plans for those ideas. Here’s part of that list:

First published on April 4, 2016
When I learned about the Philippines and balut, I went searching for it in America. After a year long search, I found it in a Filipino market in Virginia Beach, stored and heated by the cashier’s desk. I bought two, but forgot the cost, thinking I may be able to influence my brother to try one. I was wrong.