Special Tines And My Kalimba

First published on March 9, 2020
I found out about the kalimba sometime last year while looking for Chillout music. I spent hours listening to kalimba solos including HIROYUKI’s TedX performance, April Yang’s YouTube tutorials, and original works like Can’t Help Falling In Love on a Kalimba by Acoustic Trench:
When I bought my kalimba, Special Tines was the first track I found that I could use it on. What better way to debut a musical instrument than making it the driving melody in a track on my first album? Admittedly, it’s also in 2015 (Big Change Coming), which released before the 1-Archive-1 album. But it’s in the background.
The four-on-the-floor section at 2:23-2:56 was the original beat before I starting arranging it for release. It’s the closest I have to the World beat or international genres. Remember the E-MU Planet Earth sound module?
Why a Kalimba
- A beautiful sound that reminds me of musicbox samples and creates a vibe of relaxing in anti-gravity
- Portable – smaller than a netbook, Akai MPC, or 25-pound weight plate
- Cheap but high quality for under $100
- It’s different – Unique
Kalimba Magic has more reasons. When’s the last time you saw a kalimba?
Special Tines, on YouTube, Spotify, and more
Live play coming… some day.
Learn about the history from Kalimba Magic.
Tags: music-production, music