The 10 X 1 Workout for Strength

First published on March 14, 2016
I prioritize strength development in my workout programs a lot, maybe a lot more than I should if you factor in periodization. Keep in mind, I’m no expert in the exercise science field. I only have my experience, old workout logs, and research notes – mostly, Muscle & Fitness, and Exrx. I was doing this workout way before I found the Barbell Shrugged podcast.
The 5-10 X 1 set/rep scheme, and sets of singles in general, is a fun break from the 3-5 X 5-10 scheme. I only use the scheme with variations of the big three compound lifts – Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. I prefer to start with a weight I know I can only handle for three reps or 90% of my 1RM. I also prefer to keep the rest between sets short – between 30 seconds and 1 minute. Now is probably a good time to state that this is best left to those who have been in the gym regularly for a good amount of time and are comfortable with using heavy weight WITH PROPER FORM.
Two past workouts following the set/rep scheme 5 X 1 w/ 1 min Rest :
(the numbers represent the difficulty of the set/rep on a scale of 1 to 5)
Incline Bench Press
Week 1 – 215 4 4 4 3 3
Week 2 – 225 4 4 4 4 4
Week 3 – 230 4 4 4 4 5
Week 4 – 235 5 4 4 4 4
Week 1 – 335 4 4 4 4 5
Week 2 – 335 4 / 345 5 5
Week 3 – 355 4 4 4 5 5
Week 4 – 365 4 4 5 5 5
Wherever the difficulty decreases during the workout (Press Weeks 1 and 4), it was probably the result of me finally finding my groove because I didn’t do enough warm-up sets or was using improper form beforehand.
I hope this either taught you something or at least sparked an idea bulb about a new way about a new way you could work towards your fitness goals. Have fun.
I just want to lift more weight or the same weight faster every time.
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