Black Owned Businesses Need to Do These Things

I've learned a lot about how black entrepreneurs approach digital marketing since starting to support black-owned businesses, starting with D'iyanu, a few years ago. After purchasing products from over a dozen black-owned small businesses, I've realized some common mistakes that I'd like to share with everyone. I hope this helps small and medium-sized business (SMB) owners rethink how they approach digital marketing.
WordPress Security Tips

I know quite many people who love WordPress. I'm talking the self-hosted website builder you have to install on a web hosting server, not But I don't hear them talk much about WordPress security.
I've mentioned some of the stuff below in other blogs about my favorite WordPress plugins and unnecessary plugins. And I don't want this to be verbose. So I'll try to keep everything straight-forward for newbies.
5 Best WordPress Plugins For My Goals

I’ve played with a lot of WordPress plugins. Some were good for convenience. Some were made obsolete with Gutenberg. Some became favorites as I learned how to integrate WordPress with so many different projects – podcasting, forums, school projects, web development, etc.
Below are 5 WordPress plugins I love and why.
12 Types of WordPress Plugins You Don’t Need

First published on April 20, 2020
I’ve said this a few times in the past, but my goals to improve my WordPress blog taught me HTML and web design. I’ve downloaded a lot of WordPress plugins for extra features without knowing I could’ve achieved the same goal with a few lines of HTML or editing a file that already exists.