Family Matters

June 03, 2020 — Jt Spratley

First published on January 18, 2016

A while ago, I took a trip to Chicago for a friend’s wedding. Before I left Chi-Town, I made time to figure out where the house used for the sitcom Family Matters. I know, that’s not a big deal. To me, it was. I still get geeked about it when I think of the trip. I think about all the lessons I learned and laughs I had watching Steve Urkel and the Winslow family on UPN. Good times. I wish there were more shows like that.

House from the Family Matters sitcom

I probably shouldn’t talk about that pack of Family Matters DVDs I got from FOB Airborne in Afghanistan. Great quality though. Want to see the screenshot of the DVD home screen? I’ll give you a hint – it’s not an African American family.

"Did I do that?" - Steven Q. Urkel

In 2019, they tore down the building to build condos.

Tags: entertainment

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