5 Websites For IT Training

First published on August 21, 2017
Here are 5 websites with great free IT training.
I check edX.org first when looking for structured online courses – yes, even before Coursera. Though many courses are paid, there are great freebies including Berklee’s Music Production and Vocal Recording Technology and The Linux Foundation’s Introduction to Linux. You can also embed badges for completed courses on LinkedIn.
Cybrary is a lesser known source of IT certification training that also includes an active community forum and jobs listing. Courses are mostly videos with forums to discuss content. And of course I did their CompTIA Linux + training first.
VIM Adventures
VIM Adventures is an educational in-browser game for Linux users wanting to improve their VIM navigation skills. Imagine Word Rescue shareware for the Linux command line. Play the first level free and buy a full version license for $25. The options are at the bottom of the page – after you “press any key to start.”
Section 508
Taking the Section508.gov courses during the Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) program sparked my interest in web accessibility. These courses cover the Rehabilitation Act Section 508 accessibility regulations for technology and best practices for accessible web design – a solid introduction to the #a11y tutorials.
Joint Knowledge Online (JKO)
Few Veterans realize Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) has more than mandatory training and Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success) courses. Much of the reason JKO is 1 of 10 resources I think every Veteran should check out is its information security courses which go much further in-depth than mandatory Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE) online training for Service Members.
Which do you like and dislike?
Tags: linux, IT, education, military, accessibility