How to Apply for IBM SkillsBuild Parker Dewey Micro-Internships

Historically Black College and University (HBCU) students wanting extra income and shorter projects to quickly acquire work experience should check out Parker Dewey micro-internships. College students who participate in IBM SkillsBuild program and understand the importance in the IBM HBCU Cybersecurity Initiative can apply for micro-internships related to those SkillsBuild courses.
How to Apply for IBM SkillsBuild Micro-Internships
Here are the steps to find projects related to IBM SkillsBuild badges:
- Log into the Parker Dewey dashboard.
- From the upper-right corner and select "Profile."
- At the bottom, under "Affiliations," type "IBM" or "SkillsBuild." image
- Select "IBM SkillsBuild" from the drop-down menu. It will now show under the text field along with other selected affiliations such as "Veteran."
- Select "SAVE."
- Return to the dashboard.
- Type "SkillsBuild" at the top and select "Search" to view related projects which will include "- IBM SkillsBuild" at the end of the title. image
- Apply to a project and be ready to share your public Credly account link.
If you have additional questions about the IBM Parker Dewey micro-internships, contact your university computer science (CS) department to find your IBM HBCU ambassador. Or, you can join our monthly virtual meetings - IBM HBCU VS HBCU Student Tech Talk Wednesdays. If you need help with your resume or getting internships, reach out to your university career services department. My contact options are below.
Tags: college, employment