CBRN Defense and HAZMAT

First published on March 21, 2015
If you know nothing about CBRN, formerly called NBC, your unit is doing something wrong. Remember, CBRN, NBC, and HAZMAT can be used interchangeably. CBRNE is 20th Support Command, and the “E” refers to “Explosives.” They also have Chemical subordinate units. Every Soldier should at least know the levels of MOPP, how to wear a JSLIST, and proper PMCS of the M40 & M40A1 (they’re different), and M50 masks. If your unit doesn’t have a 74D and you could use a challenge, promotion points, and/or NCOER bullet, look into attending the 2 week long CBRN Defense Course and assume the role of Chemical SME.
The CBRN Defense Course is a residential course outlined in AR 350-1 worth 8 promotion points. You’ll learn the basics about different chemical agents, nerve agents, other bad agents, and proper CBRN equipment operation, PMCS, and policies. Oh yeah, you’ll through the CS chamber too. Are you surprised? I didn’t say you’ll take your mask off. Aren’t you supposed to validate your confidence in your mask at least annually anyway?
Don’t worry, 74’s. Anyone can attend the CBRN Defense Course. When I attended, a 74D was awarded an ARCOM from the schoolhouse for having the highest grade point average. . . Yep.
For some civilian-side continuing education courses, check out FEMA. These courses also count as CEUs toward your SOLE Certification. Completion of two FEMA courses are also required to attain deployable status with Team Rubicon.
I have a 2GB zip file of CBRN pubs, CBT, and memo templates if you need them for yourself or that turd in the Chem cage that wastes oxygen. Just send me an e-mail if you’re in need.
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Tags: military